This site was created so that additional information, pictures and videos could be shared. This Fluffy Dog is being fostered in St. Charles, IL by Joan and Bob. They are lifelong animal lovers and have three dogs and several cats of their own. They began fostering for Fluffy Dog Rescue in December 2014. (They fostered two dogs, Patience and Phoebe, before the creation of this blog)

Tinee doing very well

Tinee has been with us 5 days now and she's doing really well.  She continues to do all her potties outside.  I know that since she came from a place with 30 dogs that she wasn't taught to be housebroken but it seems that she knows that potties are for outside.  Again, day 5 and no accidents.  On her first night here she was shy.  So, I left her in the guest room with her crate.  I left the door open on the crate and I put a potty pad on the floor just in case she needed to go.  That whole first day she didn't go potty at all so I thought surely she needs to go and if she has a mess on the floor that's okay and if she uses the potty pad that's fine too.  Well, she held it all night.  I'm guessing she went about 24 hours without going potty. Not a good thing for her kidneys but shows that she can hold it and was either too shy to go or preferred to go outside (she did come out of the crate that night to eat and drink).  I work from home and I have a fenced yard so the dogs get out several times during the day.

She is just great with our other dogs.  No problems around food or toys or anything.  She just fits in like she's one of the pack.  She waits nicely for treats.

She does bark in the crate when we leave the house. At some point though she quiets down because by the time we get home she's quiet.  Also, she will go into the crate during the day when she's tired (my daughters tell me she does this) so the crate is not a bad place for her.  We have a second crate in our bedroom which she sleeps in at night.  She will go in when I toss a few treats in there and is quiet all night.  If I leave the room at all I do hear her whine but when I come back and settle into bed she's quiet.  She sleeps soundly all night until I get all the dogs up in the morning.

She is a loving girl who will cuddle with us.  She is shy at first and a little unsure of things still but literally after a few seconds she warms up.  Sometimes I catch that tail of hers wagging and wagging and I tell her how cute she is and what a good girl she is and then she stops wagging.  It's almost as if she remembers that she's still a little shy.  I've seen a little bounce in her step now and then like she wanted to start playing with one of the dogs but then again she stopped herself.  There's a really happy girl in there just waiting to come out...I can tell.

She is good with my daughters (11 and 13).  They cuddle with her and will scoop her up and put her in the crate when it's time for me to take the them to camp each day.  Tinee is fine with it all.

During the day while I'm working she will find a comfy place to sleep near me.  Either on one of the dog beds or one of the blankets or towels that I put down for the dogs. We haven't heard her bark except when she's in the crate.  She can do the 3 stairs to our back yard and she can do about 4-5 stairs going up to our second floor but that seems to be about it.  After about 4 stairs she stops and waits for me to come get her.  I don't blame her our stairs are hardwood and slippery and she's a little girl.

Tinee will be starting her heart worm treatment next week. So, she'll be resting for 4 weeks and will be ready for her forever home after those 4 week are up.  If you'd like to read about other Fluffy Dogs who have recently gone through heart worm treatment please go to to read about two other dogs who have recently completed treatment.  Fluffy Dog has treated hundreds of dogs over the years for heartworm and they go onto live normal and happy lives!  In fact, one of my good friends adopted one of our heart worm dogs about 2 years ago.  My friend initially thought that she wouldn't want a dog that had had heart worm but after I explained to her that the dogs are treated for it before they are adopted and after she saw Laila she realized the heart worm was not something she needed to avoid.

Anyway, thanks for thinking rescue.  Here are a couple pictures and videos.  I'm not sure if the videos will play on a  mobile device.  I know when I try to view them from my phone they don't work.   You might need to be on a PC in order for the videos to play.  For me, they play fine when I'm on my laptop.

Sleeping in one of the dog beds.  I put the toys in there.  So far she hasn't played with any of them though

She was sleeping on the blanket with my dog Holly but then I disturbed her and she moved to the dog bed

Catching some sun outside

Getting some affection from my daughter