Tinee has received her heart worm treatment and now she will be resting for about 3 weeks. While she rests she is staying with my mom and Bob. They've successfully fostered two other dogs through their heart worm treatment recently (read below about Star and Wescott). She is doing very well with their three dogs (a shih tzu and two beagles). When I spoke with my mom tonight Tinee was enjoying an after dinner rawhide which is the nightly ritual at their home.
Before Tinee left she had some excitement with us. We brought home Besse, our foster dog. Tinee greeted Besse nicely. She and Besse had a nice time playing together for the couple of days they had together. They shared some toys and napped together. It was cute.
Tinee is small and black. I couldn't really see Tinee in the backyard at night so I took her to the pet store to find a reflective collar. She did well in the car and well in the store. I don't think she's spent much time on a leash and she moves slowly when she's on one. But at my mom's house that will likely change since they don't have a fenced yard and she's being leashed when going outside.
Tinee was with us for a week before going to mom's and she did all her potties outside. I work from home so the dogs get out several times a day. She never really had to tell me she had to go out because she got out enough.
Tinee didn't like being crated while she was with us. She would bark when she was in the crate while I ran errands. After several days I started leaving her out of the crate to hang out with the other dogs and she was fine. I was never gone more than a hour at a time but she did fine each time. At night she would sleep in a crate in our room. I was always about 10 feet away in the bed and she was fine with that. No fusses.
During her time with us she did become competent at going up and down the staircase. She had no hesitation by the end of the week.
Not sure about adopting a dog that was heart worm positive? Keep reading this blog and read about Wescott and Star who both went through treatment and are now with their forever families. Fluffy Dog has treated hundreds of dogs for Heartworm over the years. The dogs go on to live normal lives. They still play, eat, sleep and love just like any other dog. No difference. The only thing you're going to do as an owner is keep them on heart worm preventative (like Heartgard Plus) for 12 months a year...which a vet will recommend for any dog anyway.
Thanks for reading and thanks for thinking rescue!
Napping next to my dog Holly |
In the yard with foster Besse |
Car ride to the pet store |
At the pet store |
Playing with Besse |
They are both chewing on the rope toy |
Fluffy Dog has Tinee listed as a Dachshund mix. I'm no expert but she sure looks like full Dachshund to me. Tinee sure seems to fit the description and sure looks like the Dwarf German Dachshund I found in one of our books You can tell your friends that she's an expensive purebred...we won't tell. |
Precious Tinee |
Hard to see but this is Besse and Tinee napping on my lap last weekend |
She does like to lay outside. Even when it's hot |
Tinee napping in the filtered sun. Besse and my dog Missy |
Sleepy girl |
She likes the dog bed
You may need to view the videos below on a laptop computer. I find that I can't view them when I'm on my phone. |