You're in luck! I have some videos of Wescott for you.
His foster family (my mom and Bob) really love this guy. They are going to be traveling soon and thought that Wescott would have to find a foster home for the time they were gone but he's doing so well in their home and with their dogs they want him to stay. He'll stay at home with their other dogs and the dog sitter while they're away. Yay for Wescott. Their dog sitter loves him too.
They do consider him housebroken. He had a couple accidents in the first couple weeks but he's got the hang of their schedule now and they understand his rhythms too and he's been accident free in the last couple of weeks. For the detail on the potty habits..they tell me that he poops one time a day and it's generally after breakfast.
He loves his bear and doesn't tear him apart like many dogs would do. He treats him gently and makes sure he doesn't get dirty (my mom explains below).
He is ready for his forever home now that his heart worm treatment is complete. Would you consider giving this wonderful guy a second chance at life? He's got a lot of love to give. Loves people. Good with other dogs. Good with cats. Does his potties outside. Would love a lap of his own to rest is head on. Might you be the one?
This boy keeps me smiling all day long. He loves his stuffed bear that he came with, and carries him around and plays with him constantly. When he goes outside to do his business he leaves his bear on the patio , and then picks him up again before he comes inside. He's very gentle and lovable,and would most likely do well with kids. He gets/along fine with the other dogs, and with the cats. He would love to play with the cats, and really doesn't understand why they don't want to play with him.
He loves his rawhide treats after dinner, and had probably never had one before he came to us. He shadows us,, and is not clingy, but is content to lie at your feet if you're in the kitchen or the family room. He is always anxious to please,
and responds/well to positive reinforcement. He is incredibly deserving of a second chance and a loving, permanent home.