This site was created so that additional information, pictures and videos could be shared. This Fluffy Dog is being fostered in St. Charles, IL by Joan and Bob. They are lifelong animal lovers and have three dogs and several cats of their own. They began fostering for Fluffy Dog Rescue in December 2014. (They fostered two dogs, Patience and Phoebe, before the creation of this blog)

Another video

Here is yet another video that Bob took recently.  It shows Wescott enjoying a rawhide.  After dinner rawhides are a tradition in their home.  Bob teases him a little and you'll see he is fine with it.  I wouldn't recommend teasing a dog like that until you really know them and they know you.  Wescott is an easy going guy though and he was fun with Bob's feigned attempt to take away his bone.

I'll add that Mom and Bob tell me that Wescott does not shed.  He's been with them for 4 weeks now and they have not noticed shedding.  We believe Wescott is Shih tzu (and he sure looks like it) but we don't know for sure what else he is mixed with.  So, there could be some shedding but likely very minimal since Mom and Bob haven't seen any.  He will need regular grooming like any Shih tzu.

They just adore him and are happy they could be part of his journey to finding his forever home.

Keep reading below for more info on Wescott.  Mom and Bob are not big into blogging so I am posting their info, pictures and video here for you.


Taken with a flash.  But here he is waiting for his after dinner rawhide last week.