This site was created so that additional information, pictures and videos could be shared. This Fluffy Dog is being fostered in St. Charles, IL by Joan and Bob. They are lifelong animal lovers and have three dogs and several cats of their own. They began fostering for Fluffy Dog Rescue in December 2014. (They fostered two dogs, Patience and Phoebe, before the creation of this blog)

Loves Car Rides

Just a couple pictures to add from Lydia's foster dad.  Her foster parents are surprised that she hasn't been scooped up yet.  She's small, young (they think she's likely 1 yr old, I do too), friendly, good natured, housebroken and adorable. But hey, they get to enjoy having her around even longer this way.

The rescue originally listed Lydia as a maltese mix.  When she arrived in Northern Illinois (all the dogs come from kill shelters in Alabama) I suspected that she was part chihuahua.  I thought this because of her head shape.  When I gave her a bath I could tell that she had what they call an "apple shaped" head.  All that means is that she has a round head.  Since she's been with her foster family (my mom and Bob) they tell me that she's probably not maltese but just a terrier and chihuahua mix of some sort.  Her hair is a white with some beige.  She does shed some.  She might need some trimming around her face from time to time but that's probably about it.  If you look up long-haired chihuahua on the internet you'll see a picture of a dog with whispy hair on its ears.  That's probably why Lydia has those cute ears.  At about 11 inches tall and about 11 pounds she's taller and heavier than a typical chihuahua.  Perhaps some people think of chihuahuas as little ankle biters who bark and bark and bark.  That's not Lydia.  She's a lover.  She loves all the people she has met and is doing great with all the other pets in her foster family's household.   At the end of the day though its not really the breed that matters.  It's her temperament, her size, her energy level, etc. that should be important.

Bob and Mom just love her.  They had company over during the holidays and the guests also couldn't believe that she's not been scooped up yet.  Sigh, I guess her family just isn't ready yet.

Bob reports that Lydia loves car rides.  He takes Lydia with when he runs errands.

Thanks for reading and thanks for thinking rescue.

Keep reading prior blog posts for more pictures and video of this cute little girl.

Must you work on the computer?  Yuck!  Pet me instead.  

Lydia loves car rides (I'm sure you all know but never leave a dog in a car in hot or even warm weather)