This site was created so that additional information, pictures and videos could be shared. This Fluffy Dog is being fostered in St. Charles, IL by Joan and Bob. They are lifelong animal lovers and have three dogs and several cats of their own. They began fostering for Fluffy Dog Rescue in December 2014. (They fostered two dogs, Patience and Phoebe, before the creation of this blog)

A couple pictures for today

Here are two pictures Wescott's foster dad sent me this morning.  BTW- his foster mom and dad call him Barney.  Wescott just seemed a little too formal for this easy going guy.  The rescue still refers to him as Wescott though so if you contact the rescue about him remember to call him Wescott.  Of course, his new home can change his name to anything they want.

Wescott was in a foster home in Alabama before he made the trip up North.  Here is what is AL foster mom had to say about him.  She really liked him. He's now in his foster home in St. Charles, IL.  Keep reading below for more info about this cute guy.

He loves to carry his special stuffed toy around in his mouth. All the time. Except when he eats. I will send it with him in his manila envelope. He likes to climb from an outdoor chair to the table when he is outside, and he will sit there looking at the beagles, while they bark furiously at him. I think they are jealous :) He has done fine with other people except one- my handy man. He barked at his heels when the handy man was in the back yard looking at some jobs I would like down. But he said that no dogs like him. He gets along fine with the other 4 dogs at the house- 2 fosters and two of my own. Will play chase with the beagles. He does like his treats. Does not take them as gently as Maxwell does, but does not bite our fingers off. He loves to be held, petted. Will put his legs on your legs when you stand by him. But does not jump up on us.
Helping foster dad catch up on e-mail this morning

A good place for a nap