My mom and Bob (Joan and Bob) will be fostering him in St Charles, IL but he spent a day here with me before they could pick him up. He is a handsome guy! Black and white with some black freckles here and there. My husband and I walked him last night and he did great. He walked nicely and did his business and didn't bark at the other dogs that passed us. One family asked if his name was "Snoopy" because they said he looks like a "Snoopy." He does kind of.
He has been good with my girls (11 and 13) and with my husband of course. He takes treats nicely.
He has soft hair that has been shaved. He doesn't seem to shed. If he does, it's likely very little. He will need regular grooming.
He is stocky. While he's short and low to the ground he's about 23 pounds. I didn't measure him while he was here but I'm guessing that he is about 13 inches tall. He walks well on a leash and was good in the back yard unleashed. He did his business and then went to the door to come back in.
This is a very nice boy looking for a home of his own!
Smiling |